Casual Adult Hiking Group in the Northeast Georgia Mountains

Join Us

Welcome to our Web Page, and thanks for your interest!

Any adult (18 and over) is welcome to come along on our scheduled hikes. We ask that you please not bring children with you as we may encounter rough terrain along our journeys, and this is a social outlet for adults. (Unless the hike is specified as "kid-friendly.")

Depending on your level of physical fitness, you may wish to inquire about the hikes in advance. The difficulty ratings and lengths are usually provided on the hiking calendar. We hold beginners' hikes on occasion. This club is not responsible for any injuries or mishaps that may occur. Our typical pace is two miles per hour.

Dogs are allowed on hikes (as long as the trail permits), but they must remain under control at all times. Some parks require dogs be leashed. You must pack out or bury your dog's feces just as you would your own.

We're an eclectic group of open-minded singles and couples of all ages who enjoy the great outdoors. We welcome everyone, but if you don't find our group a fit for any reason there are other hiking clubs in our area which may suit you better.

Respect, a positive attitude, and a sense of humor are required. We currently do not require membership dues. You should, however, be prepared to pay for parking at some trailheads. Carpooling to trailheads is encouraged.

We value the gifts Mother Nature has provided, so we will not tolerate littering or destruction of any kind on the trails. Pack out what you pack in. Follow the Leave No Trace code of ethics.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot Chanda an email: