Casual Adult Hiking Group in the Northeast Georgia Mountains

Leave No Trace


We ask that you practice the “leave no trace” ethic so that the
next person can enjoy a natural scene and so that nature
can endure and replenish. Here are some tips to help you
accomplish these goals.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Impact, Travel on Durable Surfaces, Dispose of Waste Properly, Leave What You Find, Minimize Fire Impact, Respect Wildlife, Be Considerate of Other Visitors

• Avoid holidays and weekends.
• Limit your group size to six or less.
• Repackage food to reduce containers.
• Take along a litter bag to carry out refuse.
• Carry a stove and choose foods that require little
• Buy gear only in subdued forest colors (exception in
hunting season).
• Check at the ranger station for low-use areas.
Travel to Avoid Impact
• Travel quietly.
• Walk single file in the center of the trail.
• Never shortcut switchbacks.
• Look at and photograph, but never pick or
• Avoid popular areas.
• Never discard cigarette butts, candy or gum wrappers
on forest floor.
• Walk softly. Don’t kick up dirt and stones or trample

“The Leave No Trace Seven Principles have been reprinted with permission from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics:”