Casual Adult Hiking Group in the Northeast Georgia Mountains

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Panther Creek Trail

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Trail: Panther Creek Falls in Clarkesville, GA

Trail Rating: Moderate

Trail Length: 7 miles (out and back)

Hikers: Chanda, Mick, Regina

Weather: Clear and Sunny, lower to mid 50's

Name: Panther Creek Trail
Date: Feb 12, 2011 10:23 am
(valid until Aug 11, 2011)
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Distance: 6.90 miles
Elapsed Time: 3:42:37
Avg Speed: 1.9 mph
Max Speed: 5.2 mph
Avg Pace: 32' 15" per mile
Min Altitude: 1,067 ft
Max Altitude: 1,455 ft
Start Time: 2011-02-12T15:23:45Z
Start Location:

Latitude: 34º 41' 56" N

Longitude: 83º 25' 12" W
End Location:

Latitude: 34º 41' 58" N

Longitude: 83º 25' 12" W

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1 comment:

  1. We had a GREAT time! The weather was almost perfect, the scenery was gorgeous, and the company was fantastic.
